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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published or submitted for consideration by any other Review (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, .doc or .docx format.
  • Two copies of the manuscript are submitted, one of which is anonymous.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which appear in About the Review.

Author Guidelines

The call is permanently open for those interested in publishing articles, essays, and bibliographic and jurisprudential reviews related to different fields of law.

Originality of submissions

The texts, which may be written in Spanish or English, must be unpublished and original. Works already published or submitted for evaluation or publication in another Review will not be accepted, unless:

  • the Review in which it was initially published is not Argentine;
  • the original publication is in another language; and
  • the corresponding authorization is presented.

Publication Process

To start the publication process, the author must send the original writing to The submission must contain two copies of the paper in Word, .doc or docx format. One of them must be anonymous, that is, it must not include, neither in the text nor in the footnotes, references to the author that could lead to his/her identification.

Once received, and prior to the beginning of the evaluation process by external referees, the Editorial Committee will make a first report on the compliance of the article with the formal guidelines of the Review. In case of non-compliance with any of the guidelines, the author will be asked to modify the paper. Once the compliance with the formal requirements has been corroborated, the articles, essays and reviews will be submitted to a double blind peer review process. Thus the writing will be sent for evaluation to two external referees, specialized in the subject. The referees may choose to reject the paper, approve it, or make their approval conditional on certain changes. In the event of conflicting opinions among the referees with respect to the approval or rejection of the brief, the opinion of a third expert evaluator shall be requested, who shall settle the matter. In the event that the referees disagree on whether to approve directly or with modifications, their approval subject to the suggested changes shall prevail.

The evaluation reports will be forwarded to the author within approximately 45 days, communicating the final decision on the publication of the paper. Under all circumstances, the final decision on whether or not to publish the paper will depend on the result of the external referees’ opinion.

In case of a positive result, the author will be granted an additional period of time to work on the comments and suggestions of the referees. Once the paper is returned, it will enter the final editing and publication process, carried out by the Editorial Team of the Review. The publication will be finalized in the issue immediately after the author returns the article; unless, due to the length of the issue or insufficient time, the Editorial Committee decides to postpone it for the next release.

Types of publications

The Review publishes articles, essays and reviews (bibliographical and jurisprudential).


An article is a piece of writing whose main objective is to systematically and comprehensively address a given legal problem, carrying out an exhaustive analysis of the existing advances and, eventually, making a contribution to the study of the subject. The maximum length is 25,000 words, including footnotes.


An essay is a piece of writing that, unlike articles, has a more limited subject, aimed at summarizing the advances in relation to a certain topic, or proposing a new approach for future research and discussions. It may be between 5,000 and 15,000 words in length, including footnotes.

The call for essays is also open to undergraduate students seeking their first publications in academic Reviews. Such papers must comply with the above-mentioned formalities and will also be subject to a refereeing process, taking into account the corresponding particularities.

Bibliographical and jurisprudential reviews

A review is an opinion or critical commentary on a recently published book or court ruling. Reviews of material that has not yet been extensively discussed or analyzed by other authors are preferred. They may be between 5,000 and 10,000 words in length, including footnotes.

The difference between articles and essays is not rigid. At the time of submission, authors may choose to specify the category that best suits their work. Taking into account this consideration and the suggestions of the expert evaluators, the Editorial Board will determine the final categorization prior to publication.

If the limits mentioned above are exceeded in relation to the length of the paper, this should be reported to the Editorial Board, so that the possibility of admitting an exception can be evaluated.


Articles, essays and reviews should be submitted:

  • On A4 pages.
  • With normal margins (2.5 inf. and sup.; 3 left and right).
  • Without headers and cover pages.
  • In Times New Roman font.


Formal guidelines for the publication of submissions

The order to be followed in the presentation is the following:

  1. Main title (written in Spanish and English, successively) in font size 16, bold format, centered alignment and line spacing 5.
  2. Author's name in font size 12, italic format, right alignment and 5 line spacing.
  3. Abstract/Abstract (written in Spanish and English below the author's name) in font size 11, justified alignment and 1.5 line spacing. It should have a maximum of 180
  4. Keywords (written in Spanish and English, below the abstract or abstract respectively) in font size 11, justified alignment and 1.5 line spacing. They should be between five and ten keywords.
  5. Body of the work:
    1. Titles in font size 12, bold format, justified alignment, numbering with Roman numeral followed by a period (for example: "I. Introduction"), line spacing 5.
    2. Subtitles in font size 12.5, bold format, justified alignment, numbering in capital letters followed by a period (for example: "A."), spacing 5.
    3. Main text in font size 12, justified alignment and line spacing 5.
    4. Footnotes in font size 10, justified alignment, line spacing Notes must be numbered consecutively throughout the text, always at the bottom of the page. They may not appear in a section at the end of the paper. Footnotes should be placed, if possible, after the punctuation mark. The first footnote, followed by the author's name, should include biographical information. A second footnote for acknowledgements and dedications may be included below.
    5. Bibliography in font size 12, justified alignment and spacing 5.


Citation Style

Regarding the citation system, the Review only accepts the Chicago (with footnotes and bibliography).

In addition, a specific citation guide for legal materials is provided below:

  1. Citations on bodies of law:
    • Constitution of the Argentine Nation [Const.] (1994) 2nd Elegis.
    • Act/Decree. Law 675 of National Environmental Policy, O.B. of 28/11/2002, art.
    • 55, CP, available at <URL address>.
  2.  Court and arbitration cases:
    • Court rulings. CSJN, "Aquino, Isacio c/ Cargo Servicios Industriales S.A. s/ accidentes ley 9688", 21/09/2004, Fallos: 327:3753. Available at: <URL address>.
    • Arbitration awards. International Chamber of Commerce (November 15, 2011), Case No. 9333, Award.
  3. Decisions of international tribunals:
    • Advisory opinions. I/A Court H.R., Judicial Guarantees in States of Emergency (arts. 2, 25 and 8 American Convention on Human Rights), Advisory Opinion OC-9/87, October 6, 1987, Series A No. 9.
    • Rulings of international tribunals. I/A Court H.R., "Case of Cantos v. Argentina", Ruling of September 7, 2001, Series C 85, para. 29.


Additional Recommendations

The Review also recommends the use of italics to indicate:

  1. words in foreign languages (e.g., due process of law, rule of law, leitmotiv, etc.), with the exception of acronyms, proper names and quotations;
  2. latinisms (e.g., quid pro quo, obiter dictum, etc.), unless they are in Spanish (e.g., hábeas corpus);
  3. words or phrases with emphasis added by the author, with corresponding clarification in square brackets (e.g., "Marriage shall have the same requirements and effects, regardless of whether the contracting parties are of the same or different sexes" [emphasis added]); and
  4. titles of works (e.g., The Second Sex, Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, etc.).


Plagiarism detection policy

The Review is opposed to any attempt at plagiarism or any other practice that involves an act of intellectual dishonesty with respect to the ideas presented in the submissions.

In order to avoid such situations, during the evaluation process, the Review implements a double control mechanism of the originals submitted.

On the one hand, all submissions are evaluated through the Turnitin tool. This specialized application makes it possible to analyze the originality of the manuscript by comparing its content with a database of already published resources. As a result, a report is obtained that identifies the proportion of the writing that matches other sources and reveals the existence of possible incorrect citations.

In addition, members of the Editorial Board conduct a manual review of the content of the originals to detect the presence of missing or incorrect references. As a result of this process, authors are sent an evaluation sheet of their paper, which precisely identifies the deficiencies detected.    

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.